Member's Mark - Allergy Multi-Symptom, 300 Caplets

Member's Mark - Allergy Multi-Symptom, 300 Caplets

Sunday, November 11, 2012

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

Swimming in public pools is a popular activity during the hot months of summer. An allergy to chlorine can really put a damper on things. It's important to understand the symptoms so you can tell if it's a treatable allergy or something more serious.

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

There are five major symptoms to look for that can be caused when exposed to chlorinated pools. These symptoms generally show up either while you're swimming or right after you get out of the water.

Allergy Symptom

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

1. Respiratory Problems - The following breathing-related symptoms can be similar to an asthma attack and may be more severe in an indoor pool where the chlorine is constantly being breathed in.

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

o The sensation of not getting enough air
o A tight feeling in the chest
o Not being able to take a deep breath

2. Irritation of the Eyes - This is eye irritation that is more severe than the normal reaction experienced by most people who swim in chlorinated pools.

o Redness
o Itching
o Stinging
o Swollen eyes

3. Dry Skin - If the dryness is severe enough, it can lead to:

o Pain
o Scratching
o Peeling skin

4. Rashes - When the clothes you wear are exposed to chlorine, for example the bathing suit being worn while in the pool, a rash that resembles the skin condition eczema can affect the entire area where the clothing touches. Leaving that clothing on too long can cause the rash to spread.

5. Itching - Chlorine is an irritant and can cause severe itching. Showering after swimming to wash the chlorine off the skin should take care of the problem.

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

Allergy Symptom

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Allergic reactions to the sun can be quite uncommon. However they can be prevented if you know what symptoms to look for. Sun allergies come in 4 common types, each with their own set of symptoms. Because of this it's best to discuss the symptoms with their respective type.

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

1) Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) is the most common and effects 10-15% or the population. It affects woMen more than Men in all races. Symptoms begin showing themselves in early adulthood and include the following: an itchy rash appears on the neck, upper chest, arms and legs within the first 2 hours of exposure and can last up to 2-3 days. Chills, headache and nausea may also be experienced. Treatments include using cool water over the affected area. You can control the itching by using an over-the-counter antihistamine.

2) Actinic Prurigo (hereditary PMLE) is very similar to PMLE however the symptoms are confined to the face, especially the lips. It starts to appear in childhood or during the teenage years. Symptoms are the same as PMLE.

3) Photoallergic eruptions is an effect to a chemical that has been applied to the skin. Examples of things that can trigger it are sunscreen, cosmetic, fragrance or ointment. Symptoms are very similar to PMLE as well; however they tend to show up latter. Rashes may not show themselves for several days after exposure to the sun. It's also possible for the rash to spread to parts of the skin that are covered my Clothing and don't get direct sunlight. This may make it difficult to identify exactly which products are triggering the allergy. The treatment is simple. Determine which products are causing the allergy and stop using it.

4) Solar urticaria, which mostly affect women, is the most rare of all the sun allergies. It will produce large, itchy hives on the areas that are exposed to the sun, which appear within minutes of exposure. The last 30 to 120 minutes. You should use the same treatment at PMLE.

The good news is that most sun allergies are preventable. By using sunscreen and limiting the amount of time spend outdoors you should be safe from sun allergies forever.

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Friday, August 31, 2012

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

A wine allergy is caused because when you consume alcohol your bodies efforts to process and remove the alcohol that is in the wine create a waste product. Normally your body produces an enzyme which will process and remove this waste product. However if you have the genetic defect that results in you having wine allergy symptoms your body will not remove this waste product. As you drink and it builds up in your blood your body revolts. Your wine allergy is really an alcohol allergy.

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Listed below are the most common symptoms of wine allergy. Do you have these annoying symptoms of a wine allergy?

stinging and tightness in cheeks and lower jaw. facial swelling all around the eyes and a bit in the cheeks and around the mouth. getting very drunk very Fast, after only one or two glasses, becoming dizzy and disoriented and feel sick and Tired. related to above, the next day having a hangover that is way worse than it should be relative to the amount of wine or alcohol consumed. This is referred to as the Asian Hangover and is a very common symptom of wine allergy. bright red face. Accompanying this may be red patches on your arms, legs, chest, or back.

It seems as though the amount of allergic symptoms you get from wine can be directly related to the quality of the wine. For example more expensive wines can produce significantly reduced wine allergy symptoms that cheap wines. Try a more expensive wine and see if that makes a difference.

There is a formula you can make at home that is reported to have a 100% success rate. It is called the Alcohol Allergy Formula. You consume it at home before you drink and you will not have the allergy to wine symptoms. The wine allergy symptoms are commonly referred to as the Asian Flush or the Asian Glow syndrome.

Wine Allergy Symptoms - Do You Have These Symptoms of Wine Allergy?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

Allergy is a term broadly used in describing a reaction of body tissues that is unusual to a substance that has no distinctive or noticeable effect on other humans. According to studies, about 17 out of every 100 Americans are allergic or hypersensitive to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

These substances, more known as allergens, range from various irritants, such as pollens, mold spores, insect venoms, animal dander and house dust. There are some who are allergic to substances in soap. Some react differently to the smell of a flower.

Below are the most common types of allergies.

-Food Allergies -ignited by certain Food types
-Anaphylaxis-triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings
-RespiratoryAllergies -triggered by allergens which are Airborne
-Contact Allergies -triggered by skin-affecting allergens
-Insect Sting Allergies -triggered by insect venom

Here are mild as well as severe symptoms that are associated with these common types of allergy.

Since each person may have unique reactions from these allergies, your symptoms might vary or may have some or all of the listed reactions. Consult your doctor if the symptoms have become persistent or severe.

Food Allergies

Symptoms of an allergy caused by certain food types usually happen within some minutes after you ingested food allergens, although there are some that would only occur after several hours.The symptoms may only happen to areas around the lips, mouth, and digestive tract, or could also involve other body areas. Foods that commonly result to allergic reactions are milk, eggs, nuts, Fish, shellFish, soy, and wheat.

Mild Symptoms:

-Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat
-Said free feeling in your throat
-Difficulty speaking or swallowing
-Indigestion and abdominal cramps
-Vomiting and diarrhea
-Skin rashes
-Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing
Runny, stuffy-, or itchy nose

Severe Symptoms:

-Breathing difficulties
-"Sweating, dizziness and faintness
-Rapid or sudden heart rate increase
-Sudden hoarseness or inability tospeak
-Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling


Anaphylaxis is a severe, sudden, and potentially fatal reaction that has symptoms affecting various body areas. Symptoms commonly manifest very quickly after some exposure to allergens and may include extreme itching all over your body, total swelling of the body, respiratory distress, swelling, and may cause shock that is life endangering. Anaphylaxis requires urgent medical attention. The reaction is most commonly a result of drug, insect sting, or food allergies.

Symptoms include:

-Skin flushing
-Itching or tingling around your body
-Mouth swelling as well as in the throat area
-Difficulty breathing and swallowing
-Tightening of your chest
-Agitation, confusion, or lightheadedness
-Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea
-Irregular heartbeat

In some severe cases shock might occur. The swelling of your body's bronchial tissues might cause you to choke before losing consciousness. An outside area drop in your blood pressure as a result of dilated blood vessels might also cause you to lose consciousness.

In cases that causes anaphylactic shock, it is necessary that you get treatMent immediately. Without prompt medical attention, anaphylactic shock might prove fatal.

Respiratory Allergies

Symptoms of respiratory allergies frequently occur after a few hours of exposure and usually trigged by allergens that are Airborne like animal dander,plant pollens, mold spores, and dust mites.

Mild Symptoms:

-Wheezing or coughing
-Itchy throat or nose
Postnasal drip-
-Smell sense is impAired
-Hoarseness in the throat
-Red, itchy, swollen, or watery eyes
-Runny or Clogged nose with thin and clear mucus

Severe Symptoms:

-Shortness and difficulty in breathing
-Chest said free and pain

Contact Allergies
Symptoms that occur as a result of contact allergies usually happen within a few minutes after your allergen exposure, although there are symptoms that may occur after several hours. Common allergens are poison ivy and poison oak, rubber, nickel, latex,preservatives, dyes, fragrances, medications, and cosmetics like perfume and hAir dye. Nickel, a metal frequently used in buttons, jewelry, hairpins, metal clips and zippers, snaps, is the frequent source of the allergy. Sun exposure might also give you reactions.

Mild Symptoms:

-A bumpy itchy rash or
-Fluid-filled bumps on your skin
-Swelling or redness of your skin

Severe Symptoms:


Insect Sting Allergies

How to Determine If You Have Allergies-Allergy Symptoms

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Many people who have had an allergic reaction to aspirin also have an ibuprofen allergy. How do you know if you are experiencing an ibuprofen allergy? There are some signs and symptoms to help you decide. If you feel you are having an allergic reaction to this anti-inflammatory drug stop using it and contact your physician immediately.

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

An ibuprofen allergy can cause swelling of the face. It may turn red or flushed, and also feel itchy and uncomfortable. The eyes may begin to swell and itch. You may find yourself rubbing your eyes a lot since they are watering somewhat. They are trying to get rid of the intruder.

This itchy rash-like redness may also begin to appear on other parts of the body. It may be splotchy tattoo and start showing itselfon the torso to begin with. It may also begin on the inside of the arms. This type of reaction is commonly called hives. Sometimes the blotches are smaller than hives and begin to fill with fluid. These skin blisters are also a sign of an ibuprofen allergy.

One symptom of any kind of allergic reaction is breathing difficulty. Asthmatics are exceptionally susceptible to this down down of the lungs. It may feel like you cannot take a deep breath or that you are trying to breathe through a straw. Some people describe this as feeling like someone is standing on your chest. Difficulty breathing may not be the first symptom that appears. However, by the time the allergic reaction has progressed this far getting to a doctor or a medical facility isimperative.

In very extreme cases of an ibuprofen allergy the reaction can cause the person to go into shock. Their pupils will become fixed and they have a vacant look. They may become lifeless and unable to breathe. Dizziness and Fainting, tremors are also signs of going into shock. These can happen after taking ibuprofen, but they are not probable.

Many over the counter medications taken for pain also contain ibuprofen. If you think you have an ibuprofen allergy make sure to read all ingredients listed on the label before purchasing. There are several anti-inflammatory medications which have ibuprofen in them and you can can consume it by mistake if you do not read the labels.

Symptoms of an Ibuprofen Allergy

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

How many times have you heard someone say: "I think I'm coming down with a cold."? No doubt many times. In fact, most of us have said that or made a similar stateMent, ourselves. Now a days when someone I know tells me that I usually reply: "Could it be allergies?" Because many of those "colds" are probably allergy reactions to the environMent. As I look back to my childhood days, but one cannot wonder at the strong possibility that all those tablespoons of cod liver oil my mother faithfully administered----in their full natural flavor, as commonly done in those days--to prevent my getting a "cold," although not a bad idea were probably unnecessary since my runny nose, frequent coughing post nasal drip and were verylikely caused by allergens. Even, perhaps, by the thick smog that had developed in the large city I grew up in.

As I studied my sinus problem several years ago, I came to the conclusion that the two main causes of my problem were: some Foods and environmental allergies. Whenever I indulged in a milk shake or a large serving of ice cream I had serious post nasal drip in a matter of hours. And whenever I had a large glass of cow's milk 3 or more days in a row I had the same result. I would stop drinking milk for several days or stop eating ice cream and the sinuses would clear up in just a few days. The seeming correlation became so obvious that I finally decided, a number of years ago, to stop using these Food items on a regular basis and, ofcourse, the sinuses cleared up indefinitely.

Then came spring time and as weeds and their flowers, and trees and their own flowers made their appearance once again in our area, the same allergic reaction I had had to the Foods already mentioned, above, began to reappear, except that I wasn't using them. I know, it became obvious that I was allergic to certain pollens and probably other allergens. I had pollen allergy tests made and sure enough there were a number of pollens I was very allergic to. With these results on hand the only alternative I had was: move to a place where there were not allergic to pollens I was--probably something rather impossible--or begin to receive allergy injections on a regular basis. I opted for the latter.

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection Sinus Pressure-The Allergy Connection

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Allergies, sinus dizziness are associated with sinus problems. The symptoms of these allergies are very common such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat excessive, watery eyes, bad breath and itching nose. Sinuses are the hollow cavities in the facial bones. Inflammation of the sinuses is known as sinusitis. It is caused by viral infection or due to fungus or mold in the sinuses. Dizziness is also caused by infection but do not show any symptoms. This condition can be cured within two weeks with proper treatMent.

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness


Usual symptoms found in the patients suffering from allergies, sinus dizziness are facial pain and colored nasal discharge. Nasal congestion and loss of taste or smell are found in most ofthe cases. Fever, headache early in the morning, ear pressure, bad breath and fatigue are reported by some others. The patients feel weak and fatigued all the time. Some of the symptoms lead to dizziness.


Some irritants cause allergies and infection in the nasal blockage of the channels and drainage of sinus fluid. Some structural abnormalities within the nasal passages may also be responsible for blocking of the drainage system. The deviated septum the structure dividing the nasal passage into two sides is an example. Low immune function can also lead to infections of the nasal channels. Infections like HIV/AIDS gastroesophagal reflux disease or non-allergic rhinitis and.


Strengthening the immune system is the bestway to prevent sinusitis infection. Healthy Food and suppleMents can reduce the probability of the occurrence of sinus infection and the associated dizziness. Equipment like proper Air conditioning can also lessen the severity of infection providing the right temperatures. Intake of Foods with high Vitamin C content like grapes, cabbage, lemon, broccoli, strawberries and raspberries are natural decongestants.


Dizziness Sinus Allergies-How to Overcome Allergies, Sinus Dizziness

Monday, January 23, 2012

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy symptoms vary from person to person (and animal to animal), but tend to fall into a few categories. One group of people will tend to express their allergies through their skin. Various eruptions will appear on any part of your body. These are unique to you, in both the area affected and the type of eruption.

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally

Another group of people will express their allergy symptoms through watery discharge of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms might include those typical of hay fever - streaming eyes, sore eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, streaming nose, itchy palate, itchy throat, itchy nose, sneezing, etc.

And yet another group of people may express their allergy symptoms through their stomach, with indigestion, gas and diarrhea.

Whatever the area affected, it is showing you your weakness. But at the core of the problem is your immune system. It's struggling really hard and not making much headway. It's badly compromised.

This is at the heart of every single disease under the sun. The expression of the disease (ie your symptoms) indicate your area of weakness, but the fact that you have the allergy or disease in the first place is because your immune system is compromised.

If you have a good, healthy immune system, your body will heal everything. You won't even be aware that there is a problem.

So how do you restore your immune system to its former glory? Generally this is a life transformation. There is no easy fix, no magic bullet. But if you start now, it can only improve.

Things that stop your immune system working are:

eating unhealthy Food (Fast, junk, processed, dAiry, too much meat, preservatives, colours and so on) taking medicine on a regular basis having vaccines not getting exposed to enough sun not taking regular exercise drinking too much alcohol

But by far the most important aspect is how you think. If you think negatively, get frightened easily, get angry often or suppress your feelings regularly, your immune system will be badly affected.

Those people who are at peace with themselves don't have compromised immune systems. And they don't get sick very often.

So instead of thinking someone else, other than you, can fix your allergy symptoms, try thinking that you are responsible for your health. It could be the start of a profound journey for you. 

Allergy Symptoms and How to Heal Them Naturally